Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Celebrating 10,000 Views

Wow. That's about all I can say. Thank-you SO much, everyone, for your unparalleled support and love. I started this blog to keep family and close friends updated on my progress throughout this journey, so it is absolutely mind-boggling that so many people (many of whom I don't even know) are reading it. Well... unless my dad is sitting at home clicking "refresh" ... "refresh" ... "refresh" to make me feel important. But even if the 10,000 views are from ten people re-reading this a thousand times each, that is still something to be extremely thankful for. So thank-you for reading, everyone.

Tomorrow marks my halfway point. I have had three chemo treatments so far, and I have three remaining before I go to Vancouver for some tests, and am (fingers crossed) pronounced "cured" once and for all.

I have been doing really well since my last treatment. A few of the side-effects, such as the fatigue, mouth pain, and confusion, haven't been nearly as pronounced as the first two treatments. A few have been worse, such as the "puffiness" from the Prednisone, and the bone pain from the Neupogen. However, the thing that I have done best this time is to continue living my life as normally as possible. I only missed one week of work this time around, and I have been forcing myself to run, cycle, and lift weights more than I was. In fact, I managed to lift weights five days after chemo, and go for a run three days after that! Exertion has been really hard, but I think pushing myself to the point of exhaustion is actually helping to make my body fight to become stronger. I have been spending a lot of time outdoors as well.

It's been nearly a week since my last post, however; I got some really good topic suggestions via email, Facebook, and the comments section, so I will try to make time to post some answers sooner than later.

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Blog Ideas Please!

I just wanted to write another short update for today to say that I haven't actually been feeling quite as bad during this third round of chemo, for whatever reason. Maybe it's going to just hit me late this time? As of this morning, however, the stinging mouth pains I usually experience from Days 3-7 and the confusion and tiredness that happens at the same time are pretty subdued. I've been spending a good amount of time outdoors going for walks, lying on the beach (in the shade, with a hat and sunscreen, Mom!) and eating healthy. I still can't exert myself though; I went for a 3.5km walk last night and felt quite loopy when I got home.

Aside from that, the Prenisone didn't seem to make me as grumpy this round either, but it has made me swell up quite a bit. I'm not sure if you can tell in this photo (which was me trying to win Tragically Hip tickets on "Tank Top Tuesday" from The Zone 91.3 FM)  but if you look at my arms, my normal muscle definition is pretty much gone; not from losing much of it, but from the surrounding tissue expanding. Ugh, feeling bloated is uncomfortable.

I'll finish by asking... does anyone have any ideas for my next post? Questions about the treatment or side-effects? Maybe about what's going on in my mind during this whole experience? Questions about cancer in general, or what it's like to be a patient at the BC Cancer Agency? I need some ideas, so ask me anything in the comments and I will expand upon them in my next entry!

Thanks for reading,

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Half Way There

You may notice that the frequency of my blog posts has been declining. Mostly it's because I've felt great for a week and it was sunny outside, but also because I feel like I'm started to repeat myself: Every 21 days I go for chemo, then I feel crappy for a week-and-a-half, then I feel "ok" for half a week, then I feel good for a week. Aaaaand repeat!

I went for my third round yesterday. It went fine as usual, and Kaitlin's aunt Kathy came with me which was fun because we had tons to talk about and she brought me food. Thanks Kathy!

I found this sign sitting on my chair when I got to chemo so of course we needed a photo. And for those of you who have already been confused, no, that is not puke in my lap, it's granola!

I'm not sure what changed this time, but I started to feel nauseous almost immediately after finishing the chemo. I also got knocked out pretty hard from the diphenhydramine (i.e. Benadryl - I take it to help prevent reactions from the Rituximab) so I slept all afternoon, waking up periodically and feeling like I was going to puke. I didn't though, and although I still feel really queasy right now, I think I'm going to be able to keep my breakfast down.

And thus begins my third cycle. If everything is working as it should, then I am now half way to being cured

of cancer. Keep those positive thoughts, prayers, and healing vibes coming please... I truly appreciate every single one of them!

Thanks for reading,

                Fighting Cancer                                           My Kitchen Table is a Pharmacy