Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Hickman Line Insertion

Just a quick update today: I had my Hickman Line "installed" yesterday at Vancouver General Hospital. It has three lumens - one for chemo, one for beer, and one for coffee. This is a picture of me trying out the coffee hose.

I am playing the waiting game now. The hope was that I would be admitted to the hospital immediately following the Hickman insertion, but there was no bed available.

I will write another update once I am in the hospital. I really hope I get admitted within the next day or two so I can be out by Christmas!!

Thanks for reading,


  1. Fingers & toes are crossed for you, Chris.

    "It is your reaction to the adversity,
    not the adversity itself,
    that determines how your
    life's story will develop."
    ~ Dieter Uchtdorf

    All the best,

  2. The real question is whether or not your chest hair will grow back by Christmas :)
