Friday, December 12, 2014

Transplant Day +1 & +2

I should preface this post by explaining the title because I don't think I have done that yet. The days of chemo leading up to my transplant are written as "Day -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1," the transplant was "Day 0," and the days following the transplant are written as +1, +2, etc.

Yesterday (+1) was about the same as any other day so far, except I was definitely starting to feel more fatigued. Jean came and hung out with me for a good chunk of the day again, and I also had a nice morning visit from Maddy (thanks for the yummy stew) and an afternoon visit from Liz (thanks for the snacks and presents).

I managed to walk another 7 km yesterday, bringing my total up to 40 km - or 320 laps of the BMT unit. One of the nurses told me last night that they have nicknamed me "The Walker." Jean said that was better than "The Streaker," so I guess I've got that going for me!

Today (+2) I have been absolutely exhausted and my brain is mush. My blood counts are all still just on the lowest side of "normal" range but are going down quite quickly so the fatigue is to be expected.

The day has been decent so far though, for what it is. After breakfast I walked 1 km and then fell asleep for an hour or so. I was woken up by a total surprise visit from Ashley and Trent, who brought me coffee and a wonderful hour of catching up on life. Thanks, you two!
Jean came by again as well, and brought me some homemade muffins and soup for lunch. She has come to visit me every day this week (with food) since arriving in town from Edmonton on Tuesday. Best sister ever!

After lunch, Jean and I did some walking laps before she headed out. I felt extremely tired and dazed by this point so I slept for a couple hours before waking up and doing some more walking (err... shuffling by this point) around the unit. I'm getting slower, but so far I have done 4 km today so I should be able to hit my daily goal of 5 km by bedtime, no problem. 

I know walking is the best (and pretty much only) exercise I can do right now but man am I wishing I could hop on my bike or pick up some barbells because I feel so weak and out of shape. 

All in good time I suppose.

So that is about it for today. The doctors and nurses seem to be very satisfied with my progress thus far, so I guess I will just keep shuffling along until something happens or I get sent home.

Thanks for reading,

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